You can export the products CSV from Magento but while you try to export the specific product CSV you got notifications like,
Message is added to queue, wait to get your file soon. Make sure your cron job is running to export the file.
You can export products in Magento 2 from the admin panel.
You have to click from the Left sidebar navigation, System -> Export,
From the Export Settings Section, Just choose Entity Type as Products from the dropdown area.

You can exclude a list of attributes from the CSV file by tickmark the first column on the Entity Attributes Grid.
Click on continue to export the product CSV file.
Now You have to wait to run cron or queue consumer that takes a process for the export product CSV file.
If you are working with the Local machine and you haven’t configured queue consumer to run using cron, you can directly run the command from the root of your project.
You can see the list of queue consumers available for the system by running the command,
php bin/magento queue:consumer:list
You can run either any of the commands below,
php bin/magento queue:consumer:start exportProcessor
php bin/magento cron:run
Now You can refresh the page, you will be able to see records of your CSV file in the grid and you can download it from that place.