Get Country name by Country id Magento 2.

Retrieve Country full name from Country Id Using Magento 2 by Country Class of Directory Module.

You need to instantiate CountryFactory in your class __construct() method to get the country full name.

The class responsible to get name is Magento\Directory\Model\Country.

namespace Rbj\Country\Model;

use Magento\Directory\Model\Country;
use Magento\Directory\Model\CountryFactory;

class Country
     * @var Country
    public $countryFactory;

    public function __construct(
        CountryFactory $countryFactory
    ) {
        $this->countryFactory = $countryFactory;

     * country full name
     * @return string
    public function getCountryName($countryId): string
        $countryName = '';
        $country = $this->countryFactory->create()->loadByCode($countryId);
        if ($country) {
            $countryName = $country->getName();
        return $countryName;

call from template or other class,
$countryId = “IN”; // or IND
echo $countryName = $this->getCountryName($countryId);

For Country Id “US” or “USA” => United States.