You can retrieve the option type by option id of the bundle product Magento 2. There is four option type available for the bundle product like Checkbox, radio, drop-down and Multiple select.
You can check the given option type by its id using programmatically from the catalog_product_bundle_option table. A table used to store option id, type, parent_id, required and position field.
You need to instantiate Option Collection to fetch type details,
<?php namespace Jesadiya\OptionType\Model; use Magento\Bundle\Model\ResourceModel\Option\CollectionFactory; class BundleOptionType { /** * @var CollectionFactory */ private $optionCollection; public function __construct( CollectionFactory $optionCollection ) { $this->optionCollection = $optionCollection; } /** * get option type * * @param int $optionId * @return string */ public function getOptionTypeById(int $optionId) { $optionCollection = $this->optionCollection->create(); $optionCollection->addFieldToFilter('option_id', ['eq'=>$optionId])->getFirstItem(); $type = ''; foreach ($optionCollection as $option) { $type = $option->getType(); } return $type; } }
Call from the template or any PHP class,
$optionId = 1; echo $optionType = $this->getOptionTypeById($optionId);
The output will be based on option id, radio, select, checkbox, multi-select.