How to get product attribute details by REST API Magento 2?

Get Product Attribute details by use of REST API Magento 2. You can retrieve all the available information from the given product attribute.

Action: GET

Request URL: <HOST_URL>/rest/V1/products/attributes/<product_attribute>(Example: https://magento.test/rest/V1/products/attributes/meta_title)

Header: Authorization:Bearer <admin_user_token>

Response: Product Attribute Details

    "extension_attributes": {
        "is_pagebuilder_enabled": false
    "is_wysiwyg_enabled": false,
    "is_html_allowed_on_front": false,
    "used_for_sort_by": false,
    "is_filterable": false,
    "is_filterable_in_search": false,
    "is_used_in_grid": false,
    "is_visible_in_grid": false,
    "is_filterable_in_grid": false,
    "position": 0,
    "apply_to": [],
    "is_searchable": "0",
    "is_visible_in_advanced_search": "0",
    "is_comparable": "0",
    "is_used_for_promo_rules": "0",
    "is_visible_on_front": "0",
    "used_in_product_listing": "0",
    "is_visible": true,
    "scope": "store",
    "attribute_id": 82,
    "attribute_code": "meta_title",
    "frontend_input": "text",
    "entity_type_id": "4",
    "is_required": false,
    "options": [],
    "is_user_defined": false,
    "default_frontend_label": "Meta Title",
    "frontend_labels": [],
    "note": "",
    "backend_type": "varchar",
    "is_unique": "0",
    "validation_rules": []

This is the basic operation you have to perform to fetch details of product attributes.