How to get Special price collection by Product SKU in Magento 2?

Get Special Price data by Product SKU in Magento 2. Special price is the price, which offers discount/sale to the original price.

You need to use interface,
Magento\Catalog\Api\SpecialPriceInterface to retrieve special price collection with price_from, price_to, store_id and sku.

Just Passing Product SKU as an array ([$sku]) in the get($sku) method of SpecialPriceInterface.

namespace Jesadiya\SpecialPrice\Model;

use Exception;
use Magento\Catalog\Api\SpecialPriceInterface;

class GetSpecialPrice
     * @var SpecialPriceInterface
    private $specialPrice;

     * constructor.
     * @param SpecialPriceInterface $specialPrice
    public function __construct(
        SpecialPriceInterface $specialPrice
    ) {
        $this->specialPrice = $specialPrice;

     * @param string
     * @return array
    public function getSpecialPriceData($sku)
        try {
            $product = $this->specialPrice->get([$sku]);
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            throw new Exception($exception->getMessage());

        return $product;

Pass SKU value to get speicific products, special price data,
$specialPrice = $this->getSpecialPriceData($sku);

Product has special price, it will display array of result,

    [0] => Array
            [row_id] => 1
            [value] => 29.99
            [store_id] => 0
            [sku] => 24-MB01
            [price_from] => 1970-01-01 00:00:01
            [price_to] => 2020-01-19 03:14:07


If Product hasn’t special price result will be empty array.