How to Load attribute data by attribute code in Magento 2?

We can get attribute data by attribute code by just passing the attribute code in Magento 2.

We have taken entity_type_code  value as Catalog_Product  for a demo in the below code, You can get any entity_type_code as per your requirement.


public function __construct(
    \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute $entityAttribute
) {
    $this->entityAttribute = $entityAttribute;

* Load attribute data by code
* @return  \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute
public function getAttributeInfo($attributeCode)
    return $this->entityAttribute->loadByCode('catalog_product', $attributeCode);

Now, Call getAttributeInfo() function from template,

$attributInfo = $this->getAttributeInfo('color');
echo '<pre>';print_r($attributInfo->debug());

The result will be like the below array for color product attributes,

    [attribute_id] => 93
    [entity_type_id] => 4
    [attribute_code] => color
    [attribute_model] => Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Eav\Attribute
    [backend_model] => Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\DefaultBackend
    [backend_type] => int
    [frontend_input] => select
    [frontend_label] => Color
    [is_required] => 0
    [is_user_defined] => 1
    [is_unique] => 0
    [is_global] => 1
    [is_visible] => 1
    [is_searchable] => 1
    [is_filterable] => 1
    [is_comparable] => 1
    [is_visible_on_front] => 0
    [is_html_allowed_on_front] => 0
    [is_used_for_price_rules] => 0
    [is_filterable_in_search] => 1
    [used_in_product_listing] => 0
    [used_for_sort_by] => 0
    [apply_to] => simple,virtual,configurable
    [is_visible_in_advanced_search] => 0
    [position] => 0
    [is_wysiwyg_enabled] => 0
    [is_used_for_promo_rules] => 0
    [is_required_in_admin_store] => 0
    [is_used_in_grid] => 1
    [is_visible_in_grid] => 0
    [is_filterable_in_grid] => 1
    [search_weight] => 1
    [additional_data] => {"update_product_preview_image":"0","use_product_image_for_swatch":"0","swatch_input_type":"visual"}