How to setup stores and website using config.php file Magento 2?

config.php file in Magento contains the list of installed modules, Website, Store related setup, Locales, and system configuration settings.

You can see the config.php file location at the given path, app/etc/config.php

I will just highlight the Scopes section of the config file.

There will be different sections to be used within the config.php file.h

1. modules (Out of the box modules section contains the List of Modules available.)
2. scopes (This section contains the stores, store groups, and websites related information.)
3. system (This section is used to set system configuration value.)
4. themes (This section is used to setup themes related information.) Continue reading “How to setup stores and website using config.php file Magento 2?”

How to use retry functionality of specific failed API call by use of PHP Magento 2?

You can use retry functionality to re-use your existing API call while you deal with some third-party API access.

If your request failed and you want to give more chances to connect with third-party API, you can use the retry functionality to wait up to a few seconds before throwing an error for an API call.

I have given a demo to call specific API up to three times based on the delay of 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and 15 seconds. Continue reading “How to use retry functionality of specific failed API call by use of PHP Magento 2?”

Class Vendor\Module\Model\Interceptor does not exist exception error Magento 2.

Sometimes you face an exception error after installing the module via composer or by some other ways, you will able to see an exception error on the website or while running the setup upgrade or cache flush command.

Exception.log Error:

{“exception”:”[object] (ReflectionException(code: -1): Class Vendor\Module\Model\ResourceModel\Banner\Interceptor does not exist.

Continue reading “Class Vendor\Module\Model\Interceptor does not exist exception error Magento 2.”