Magento 2 Custom Grid spinner loading does’t stop and grid data doesn’t display.

Magento admin grid with custom module loader display infinite and doesn’t stop in the grid page also none of the error display in the console.

This is a common error in module development and it’s a silly mistake to resolve the issue.

Recently I have faced this type of error on the admin panel with my custom module, On the Module grid page, the spinner loads infinitely without any grid display on the listing page.

I have just checked my custom module and found out the way to resolution.

I have a naming issue with the di.xml file collection argument value and the dataProvider name in the listing UI component file. Both names are mismatched and that keeps the loading infinitely. Continue reading “Magento 2 Custom Grid spinner loading does’t stop and grid data doesn’t display.”

Composer Higher matching version of modules was found in public repository than version in private issue?

Recently I am working on a Magento project and just trying to run the composer command to install a module.

composer require magmodules/magento2-channable

I have faced an error with the given statement on the command line screen, Continue reading “Composer Higher matching version of modules was found in public repository than version in private issue?”

How to generated Auto Coupon Sales rule by message queue in Magento 2?

Auto Coupon sales rule Magento will be helpful to create automatically discount codes for the admin user.

You don’t need to create manual action to generate it, By default that will be auto-generated 12 characters long.

In the Sales rule, From Magento 2.3 Message Queue will be used to generate coupon codes in Magento. Continue reading “How to generated Auto Coupon Sales rule by message queue in Magento 2?”