How to connect Mailchimp integration with Magento 2?

Before Configuration and Integrate Mailchimp with Magento 2, First, you must have installed the Mailchimp extension in your project.

To Synchronise Mailchimp with Magento facilitate the subscription to the Newsletter for the customer and get the service of Mailchimp that will provide a lot of other additional services to the Magento platform.

How to configure Mailchimp in Magento 2?

Continue reading “How to connect Mailchimp integration with Magento 2?”

How to subscribe Email To Newsletter mutation GraphQl Magento?

Magento Subscribe Email to Newsletter by GraphQl mutation used to dynamic subscribe email id to store newsletter.

You can create a mutation like the given, Continue reading “How to subscribe Email To Newsletter mutation GraphQl Magento?”

How to fetch orders after specific date by REST API V1/orders?searchCriteria Magento 2?

Get Orders by custom conditions with V1/orders?searchCriteria filter in Magento REST API.

When you work with the Guest Customer Order flow via API, you need given API details to fetch the payment method for the current quote. Continue reading “How to fetch orders after specific date by REST API V1/orders?searchCriteria Magento 2?”