How to Create Guest Carts (V1/guest-carts) token by REST API Magento 2?

Create a Guest Customer cart token by API V1/guest-carts in Magento to create an empty cart token.

Action: POST

URL: <WEBSITE_URL>/rest/<STORE_CODE>/V1/guest-carts  (Example, https://magento.test/rest/default/V1/guest-carts)

Payload: Empty

Response: fQtl1bxLdxud1fFEP68znOAPnAFFpjVh

The API’s response will be a random string called masked_id and you can see this masked_id value from the quote_id_mask table in the database.

You may also be interested in Guest Place Order Flow REST API Magento 2.

How to place an order for guest customer by REST API Magento 2?

Which steps are required to place an order for a Guest Customer by REST API?

You must follow the steps to place an order without creating a customer account. You can add items to your cart and place an order with the Guest Customer.

You have to follow six Steps for the REST API to Place an order by Guest Customer,

1) Create Guest Empty Cart
2) Get Cart Id by token(masked_id) return from Step 1.
3) Add an Item to the Cart for the Guest.
4) Fetch estimate-shipping-methods for the cart.
5) Fetch the available Payment method for the cart.
6) Place an Order for the Guest customer. Continue reading “How to place an order for guest customer by REST API Magento 2?”

How to fetch product media gallery images URL using GraphQl Magento 2?

You can fetch the product media gallery images as well as the main Image, Thumbnail, Swatch Image, and Small Image URL by GraphQl.

You have to pass SKU in the product search query to get the product image URL.

GraphQl Query Request Body: Continue reading “How to fetch product media gallery images URL using GraphQl Magento 2?”