Magento 2 Exception Invalid method Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute::canBeFilterableInGrid.

I recently worked on a Magento project and faced an exception on Magento backend Customer Dashboard while accessing the customer grid on the admin panel.

Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException): Invalid method Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute::canBeFilterableInGrid

Continue reading “Magento 2 Exception Invalid method Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute::canBeFilterableInGrid.”

How to fetch Remote Branch updates in local branch by Git?

The remote branch is the branch that resides in the remote repository.

If you want to match the code updates on the local branch same as the remote branch you can run the two git commands to match the local branch content identical to the remote branch. Continue reading “How to fetch Remote Branch updates in local branch by Git?”

How to install magento 2 marketplace module by composer approach?

This article will helpful for the Installation of the Magento Marketplace extension with Composer in Magento 2.

To install an extension or download the extension code for review from the Magento marketplace, you must need to use Composer.

To promote the best practice of installing extensions via Composer, direct package download from the My Purchases page has been disabled. (Source: Adobe Marketplace site)

Let’s take an example of installing a module from the Marketplace. Continue reading “How to install magento 2 marketplace module by composer approach?”