How to setup Mailhog in Ubuntu PHP Magento 2?

MailHog tools are used to test mail functionality from your local development environment.

If you are using Linux/Ubuntu OS with PHP language and want to set up MailHog for your local setup. MailHog tool is the best suited for your system to test web application mails. Continue reading “How to setup Mailhog in Ubuntu PHP Magento 2?”

How to reset password for the Magento Admin Users?

You can reset the admin user password from the Magento admin panel by hitting the admin URL in the browser.

1. On the Admin Login page, you will be able to see the Login form with forgot password link after the form. Just click on the link, Continue reading “How to reset password for the Magento Admin Users?”

How to get product URL by specific store view in Magento 2?

Magento supports multi-website feature and each website support multi-store view to display store-based eCommerce site to visitors.

If a website has multiple store views and wants to set different URLs for the product by store view level,
you can do it in Magento by just setting the URL based on the store view. Continue reading “How to get product URL by specific store view in Magento 2?”