How to check customer is authenticated in Magento 2?

Customer Authentication using Magento 2 to check customer types like its a guest user or login user.

There are many occasions when you need to check customer authentic status and based on the login customer only you need to show a specific page otherwise redirect it to the login page.

Verify the customer has valid authentication using \Magento\Customer\Model\Session Class. add the Customer Session class to the __construct() method of your Controller. Continue reading “How to check customer is authenticated in Magento 2?”

Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Temando PackagingRepositoryInterface Magento 2.

Temando Shipping error in the Magento backend Product details page display error like this,

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Temando\Shipping\Model\ResourceModel\Repository\PackagingRepositoryInterface.

You can resolve this error by the Remove Temando product attribute from the eav_attribute database table. Continue reading “Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate interface Temando PackagingRepositoryInterface Magento 2.”

How to Revoke customer access token Magento 2?

Magento 2 Revoke customer access token for the current customer by customer id.

If the customer has already access token, that will be stored inside the oauth_token table in the database. A token column used to save the value of specific customer token.

When you call the revoke token method, all the available token for the customer will be removed from the database table. Continue reading “How to Revoke customer access token Magento 2?”