How to Remove Newsletter Section from the footer Magento 2?

When You check the native Magento shop, You have to display the Newsletter Subscription Text box in the footer area of the site.

You can Disable/Remove it from the Admin panel.
1. Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Newsletter Tab
2. Click on General Options Section
3. Set Enabled to No.

Newsletter Subscription section will be removed from the site.

A default.xml layout file contains the logic to display a newsletter section in the footer.

Path: vendor/magento/module-newsletter/view/frontend/layout/default.xml

<referenceContainer name="footer">
    <block class="Magento\Newsletter\Block\Subscribe" name="form.subscribe" as="subscribe" before="-" template="Magento_Newsletter::subscribe.phtml" ifconfig="newsletter/general/active"/>

You can see the name form.subscribe Block depends on configuration settings.

newsletter/general/active if you have disabled subscriber section, Magento doesn’t display the Newsletter box in the footer.

Native Newsletter section template file path,

If you want to remove from the site forcefully, You can remove Newsletter section by layout XML using below way,

<referenceBlock name="form.subscribe" remove="true" />

The above line will remove the Newsletter section from the entire site.