Magento 2 has a lot of reserved keywords and they define all the reserved keywords in their native core file.
You can find out all the keywords at vendor/magento/framework/App/Router/ActionList.php file.
Reserved keywords are not used to define any class name, function name or variable name in your code.
List of reserved keywords:
'abstract' 'and' 'array' 'as' 'break' 'callable' 'case' 'catch' 'class' 'clone' 'const' 'continue' 'declare' 'default' 'die' 'do' 'echo' 'else' 'elseif' 'empty' 'enddeclare' 'endfor' 'endforeach' 'endif' 'endswitch' 'endwhile' 'eval' 'exit' 'extends' 'final' 'finally' 'for' 'foreach' 'function' 'global' 'goto' 'if' 'implements' 'include' 'instanceof' 'insteadof' 'interface' 'isset' 'list' 'namespace' 'new' 'or' 'print' 'private' 'protected' 'public' 'require' 'return' 'static' 'switch' 'throw' 'trait' 'try' 'unset' 'use' 'var' 'while' 'xor' 'void'