How Magento send email to Password reset/changed of Customer?

Customer Password is reset or changed in Magento 2, Password Reset Mail is getting to the customer for password reset or changed action.

Magento_Customer Module is responsible for sending an email to the specific customers for a password reset action. Continue reading “How Magento send email to Password reset/changed of Customer?”

Get Customer Company extension attributes B2B magento 2.

In B2B, Magento 2 You can fetch a list of customer company extension attributes by customer ID.

The company module contains customer extension attributes that are mapped to the Customer module in the Magento core code. Continue reading “Get Customer Company extension attributes B2B magento 2.”

Check Customer isLogged in using knockout js magento 2.

You can check the customer is logged in or using knockout javascript in Magento 2 by using the Magento_Customer/js/model/customer class.

customer.js file used to check customer is logged in or not.

Customer Js file contains the method isLoggedIn() to detect customer login status. Continue reading “Check Customer isLogged in using knockout js magento 2.”