How to display newest to oldest customer orders in Graphql response Magento 2?

While you working with the Magento Customer Order GraphQl, You will fetch the order by GraphQl query customerOrders.

type Query {
    customerOrders: CustomerOrders @resolver(class: "Magento\\SalesGraphQl\\Model\\Resolver\\Orders")

By Default, The Result of the customer orders will be displayed from the Older order to the newest order. Continue reading “How to display newest to oldest customer orders in Graphql response Magento 2?”

How to fetch product media gallery images URL using GraphQl Magento 2?

You can fetch the product media gallery images as well as the main Image, Thumbnail, Swatch Image, and Small Image URL by GraphQl.

You have to pass SKU in the product search query to get the product image URL.

GraphQl Query Request Body: Continue reading “How to fetch product media gallery images URL using GraphQl Magento 2?”

How to fixed GraphQl Fields conflicting types. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch result?

GraphQl aliases are used to prevent errors of GraphQL fields conflict type in the response of the query.

Using Aliases in the query to fix the issue of the conflicting type of GraphQl while same type of  arguments are used in a query.

Let’s say a real example to understand these aliases. Continue reading “How to fixed GraphQl Fields conflicting types. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch result?”