What is the RequireJS configuration map vs paths vs shim in Magento 2?

Magento 2 used Require JS Configuration properties are the map, paths, shim, mixins, and deps.

In Magento, We have to declare all the Require JS configuration properties inside the requirejs-config.js file.

You can declare the requirejs-config.js file at different AREA Scope like frontend or adminhtml. Continue reading “What is the RequireJS configuration map vs paths vs shim in Magento 2?”

How to define Require JS Plugin in Magento?

You can create Require JS plugin in Magento with text! as a suffix and pass HTML file path in the dependency of the define( ) method in javascript.

An Example of a text plugin in Magento,


Continue reading “How to define Require JS Plugin in Magento?”

How to passing Dynamic arguments from template to RequireJs in magento 2?

Magento template support script tag with X-MAGENTO-INIT declaration. You can pass dynamic PHP values to Javascript from a template file.

create demo.phtml file in your module to pass dynamic PHP value to Javascript, Continue reading “How to passing Dynamic arguments from template to RequireJs in magento 2?”