How to retrieve Coupon details by Coupon code Magento 2?

Coupon code used to get a discount from the order. Different types of coupons available for the eCommerce store like, only specific Item has a discount, a discount for the whole cart and so.

If you want to get coupon data by coupon code, You can retrieve the data of coupon by its code. Continue reading “How to retrieve Coupon details by Coupon code Magento 2?”

How to delete Coupon data by Coupon id Magento 2?

Shopping cart Coupon deletes by coupon id in Magento 2 to get rid of all the expired coupons from the site.

Many of the coupons are created for specific events or some special days only like Black Friday or Cyber Monday after completed that day. Continue reading “How to delete Coupon data by Coupon id Magento 2?”

How to get Shopping cart Coupon data by id Magento 2?

Magento 2, Get Shopping cart rule data by the coupon id to retrieve information of coupon code, the coupon used details, rule id and usage limit of the coupon.

Coupon details are saved in the salesrule_coupon table of the database. Continue reading “How to get Shopping cart Coupon data by id Magento 2?”