What is the difference between Password and Obscure type in Magento 2?

Password and Obscure both field are the element types used for System.xml file.

1.  Obscure:  You can define Obscure type using type=”obscure”. Hide value to make sure it will not show in HTML.

When you forcefully change the type from Obscure to text using Inspect element still you can’t able to see actual value for an obscure type.

Continue reading “What is the difference between Password and Obscure type in Magento 2?”


In Magento 2, You can add a new custom tab on the Customer Edit page.

If you want to add a new tab in the Customer edit section for your custom requirement, You can add easily a customer tab in the Customer edit section.

You need to create a simple module to add an extra tab in the customer edit section.

Refer to the code snippet for adding an extra tab,
I have taken Rbj as Packagename and CustomerTab as modulename for simplicity. Continue reading “HOW TO CREATE A TAB IN Admin CUSTOMER EDIT PAGE IN MAGENTO 2?”

Get list of Layout XML called for a current page Magento 2.

You can get a list of called Layout XML for specific pages by Magento\Framework\App\View class.

Call getLayout() method from Magento\Framework\App\View.php class.

getLayout()->getUpdate()->getHandles() used for getting all the handles of a page.

You need to keep below code at the end of root index.php file to check the available layout XML files for a page. Continue reading “Get list of Layout XML called for a current page Magento 2.”